Nikhil's Blog

Write to transform your life

Writing is one of the activities that has the highest effort to reward ratio.

"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple."

Writing is not a domain of a select few. You don’t need to be a writer to learn writing. It’s not an optional skill. A skill that can elevate your life to another level must be learned like other skills; it should be taught in schools.

What does writing do to you personally?

Writing makes you see through your ideas. You may think you have suffered. You may think the world has wronged you. But when you write it down you may see why your conclusions are unfounded.

That’s because writing makes you see patterns. In your mind, you can not go back and forth on ideas. With writing you can. You can turn the page and see why you wrote that problem. You can discover your biases. You can discover how you form conclusions.

You can discover why you are in the wrong. You become aware of your thoughts, your personalities, and your biases. And that’s how you develop critical thinking.

So, write every day about -

How can writing help you persuade others?

You need people’s trust to persuade them. This is a skill that takes a lifetime to learn. This is where most people fail in life. The top thinkers from the past have mastered the skill of persuasion. They didn’t beat around the bush. They tell you what works and why it is so. You are already persuaded to follow them because of their simple wisdom.

You trust their word.

That’s why we still read Socrates, Plato, Aurelius, and The Bhagavad Gita. It’s for the simple truths of life. The ideas aren’t simple. The explanation is.

Successful investors and founders have one thing in common. They all write. They are all clear in their ideas. They have strong beliefs.

Naval Ravikant’s ideas aren’t revolutionary. They are clear. That’s why it has the most effect on us.

Clear thinking comes from critical thinking. Clear thinking leads to simple explanations. Simple Explanations lead to high trust. Trust is the tool you use to persuade.

You cannot persuade people to believe you if you don’t believe in yourself. This self-belief comes from a deep exploration of self. That can only help through writing your ideas down.

How can writing elevate your communication?

The ones who write every day know more than the ones who don't. Writing forces the person to explore the topic in detail. Explore the nuances. The whys and the whats and the hows.

You cannot bullshit your way through when you are forced to explain a topic on a blank page. You are forced to iron out the details. At the end of this exploration lies the ultimate truth.

The truth is the knowledge of how everything functions. Functional knowledge can help you find the gaps in the idea. Functional knowledge can help you strengthen your logic. It provides clarity and direction.

People who can explain complex topics in a simple email or an essay are great communicators. That only comes after a lot of writing and distillation of your thoughts.

Writing encapsulates all areas of life and elevates the standard.

Your brain can only formulate the thoughts. It is only through writing that you build a library from those thoughts.