Nikhil's Blog

Visualise the heck out of your life

Visualize the heck out of your life. I say this with authority and experience. Almost everything I’ve learned and retained has been through visualization. All the great leaders of the world visualize their ideal outcomes. This includes politicians, military leaders, athletes, and industrialists. It’s the easiest way to figure out what’s not working and how it might work.

Imagine the workings of a computer from the inside out. Visualization helps you establish the flow of a computer’s logic board, break it down into smaller fragments, and sequence it to understand how a computer interprets information and delivers results. Once you understand the flow, it becomes easy to fix it. You should be able to visualize the entire flow in your head to explore the next version of the computer.

If you don’t see the machinations of a model, a cause of your challenge and your ideal outcome you will never know what to fix it. You won’t know how to increase the efficiency.

Napoleon used to go into deep meditations on the battlefield. He visualized the battle in front of his eyes, seeing potential problems and fixing them before they became bigger. He had the map of the entire battlefield in his mind, and that’s how he redirected his armies.

You need to know your battlefield and your ideal outcome. Then visualize the ideal flow. Visualization is a technique useful in both learning and applying those learnings.

Visualize how anything functions. Visualize the ideal outcome. Identify the gaps and then find ways to fill them as much as possible.