Nikhil's Blog

That iPad won't make you happy

The latest iPad is thinner than the veil you have put up to cope.

Why is it that the latest iPad doesn’t make you happy? It’s loaded with features. It has the most powerful chipset. And yet it cannot make you happy. But wait, your relatives visit you and they are jealous that you can afford an iPad. They think it’s beautiful and a powerhouse. Now you feel better.

You remember that interaction and want to buy the latest iPad thinking your friends will love you too.

This is not about the iPad. This is about you. Why did you buy that expensive gadget?

If you had gifted it to your wife why are you posting on social media? Why aren’t you content with what you bought? Does she not love you without public approval?

People who blame materialism for lack of happiness don’t know what materials are for. You buy things because you need them. The materials serve a purpose in your life. If they fail to serve a purpose in your life, they shouldn’t be there in your life. The purpose of their existence is utilitarian. It is not designed to make you happy.

It’s an iPad, not your mother. Your happiness comes from something else.

You aren’t happy because you don’t know what you want in life. You want love from your wife, your kids, and your parents; you need friends, better work colleagues, better work-life balance. But you go ahead and buy that new car. Women go after those expensive shoes because their boyfriends dumped them.

Doesn’t that shoe remind you of how you are kicking the truth away?

In what world does this make sense?

When you are gloomy, depressed, or demotivated don’t go out shopping. Pick a diary and pick a pen. Write down what you seek. Write down how you can achieve this hypothetically.

Then ask yourself this question - if you had a brother or a sister who you loved more than your own life would you give the same advice to them? Would you suggest hooking up with strangers to someone you love the most?

We know what is required. We aren’t strong enough to face it. Because running away is easy. To confront that maybe you are a piece of shit is tough. To hook up after getting high on alcohol and drugs is easy. Improving social skills is tough. Telling someone to fuck off is easier.

Dealing with your insecurities is tough. Shopping for that iPad is easier.

Confront your troubles and insecurities. Seek help if needed. Be honest with your friends and ask for their help. The worst they can do is say “No”. That won’t kill you. But those credit card bills might.

Journal your thoughts, identify the self-destructive patterns, and fix them. If you are fat, don’t find excuses to cope. Hit the gym.

This is called truth preference. You are sad because you have a low truth preference. Learn to tell the truth to yourself. When you journal your thoughts ask “Why do you feel that?”

The why will unveil your true side. You will realize that maybe you are not a nice person, but you can become a nice person.

The first step to increase the truth preference is to accept that there is a need for greater truth.

Circumstances make us sad. Low truth preference keeps us sad. There is a difference.

So if you love the latest iPad just hold on a minute and ask “Why? What are you hiding?”