Nikhil's Blog

Pain is the final truth to nirvana

Pain is the gateway to the ultimate truth. Pain enables us to meet our soul. It forces us to confront our deepest desires, our darkest insecurities, and our unbalanced mental framework. Pain is an emotion we go through when we are forced to face the truth that we don’t like. This process of discovering truth is often triggered by external events that are beyond our control.

Pain is the gateway to achieving nirvana. There can be no peace without great pain and suffering. If confrontation with truth is pain, then the process of accepting and digesting the truth is suffering. Beyond suffering is acceptance. With acceptance, we change and change is nature’s one true law. It is often through pain that we undergo massive changes in our lives.

Death and separation are some of the most pain-inducing events in our lives. It is in those lonely moments of suffering that we face the naked truth that we have to get up and sort our lives. Our life has hit a major roadblock. We are on our own and we must do something that can help us get out of it. This phase of suffering and grieving takes time and in that time we discover a lot about our true identity.

No one likes to hate themselves. Whoever says they hate themselves is either doing it for sympathy or hasn’t done enough work on their personality. In the moments of suffering, we come face to face with our insecurities and our mental barriers. This is natural. Our minds try to avoid it to protect it but it all comes out. Desperation creeps in and we break down even further. Then begins the internal dialogue. A dialogue that emanates from the confession we just made to ourselves. Trust this dialogue because it is through such dialogues that we overcome the suffering.

Forgiveness is often the natural outcome of mental dialogues. It is considered a sign of maturity because we are ready to accept the truth and move on to the next phase of our life. We accept that we have to heal and the process of healing demands that we try to close the wounds instead of hiding them.

It is through internal dialogues and facing our true self is how we begin achieving closure. It cannot come from external sources. Someone’s apology won’t heal us. We will be healed when we don’t need that apology. We achieve closure when we understand that some consequences are beyond our control. We can only hope to make better choices.

Life after all is moving away from one suffering to another, discovering one truth about ourselves at a time.

Once the healing begins we forgive ourselves too and look beyond the realm of what happened. We begin to look forward to the possibilities of the future. The proverbial light at the end of a dark tunnel. In life, we don’t necessarily get what we want, but we can get the best of what’s possible out there through wise choices. We make choices and some choices have negative consequences and some have positive consequences. The negative consequences highlight our inner turmoil and bias in our choices. If we understand that pain is a revelation of our personality, we can shorten the suffering.

Imagine facing a rejection and not hating the one who rejected you. Instead, we sit alone with ourselves and open dialogue - Why did we need approval? Why do we think so low of ourselves? What made us form such opinions?

We can shorten the phase of suffering and begin healing by having a healthy discourse with ourselves. We should investigate our lives and thoughts a little more because in the end no matter where we reach and who we find we have to live with ourselves. So, we must make peace with ourselves.