Nikhil's Blog

Men Build; Women Nurture

We have almost forgotten this fundamental knowledge about human evolution that is based on gender. No matter how much we debate about the genders of today, there are some clear bifurcations and strengths that nature has bestowed upon the two genders.

Men have more physical strength than women. That doesnā€™t mean women are weak. It simply means that between the two of them, men have more physical strength. This is nature speaking to you. If a man chooses to waste his life in alcohol, and drugs and without physical training he will be weaker than any woman who chooses to refrain from the vices.

We have evolved with certain strengths. What we do with those strengths defines how our lives will be. Men have the natural inclination to take risks. Thatā€™s why almost all the gamblers are men. Men tend to play with brute force thatā€™s why the majority of violence occurs from men.

Thatā€™s why men went to battle and conquests.

Men donā€™t nag. They either do something worse like hitting someone or walk away from that argument. Women do nag. They cannot think about walking away from it. There will always be exceptions but my job is to highlight the obvious.

What if instead of arguing over gender roles, we embrace the strength given to us by nature? Men are natural builders.

The modern world is built upon the ruins of the old world which was beautiful and grand. Men went to battles. Even in the 21st century, the battles are still going on fought by mostly men. The battles have become of a different kind but they are battles nonetheless. This comes from their risk-taking tendencies and their commitment to family and community.

An ideal man cares about his family, feels responsible for their future, and loves them. So, he builds the guardrails around them to protect them.

How can a man protect and care about his family unless he has someone who can nurture what he has built? Women are the natural nurturers.

Women are natural protectors of the home. Put them in any role, be it running the company, running the household, or raising the kids she can nurture them like a baby. Where men lack emotional depth, women excel at it. They can empathize much better than men because they are emotional beings and experience a wide range of emotions.

Nature has bestowed men with more physical prowess. On the other hand, nature has blessed women with a menstrual cycle that cleans their bodies every month so they can live long and conceive babies. Itā€™s because of this menstrual cycle you donā€™t see visceral fat in them as much as in men. Even if we choose not to believe in the two halves of nature we cannot fight with nature.

Nature has already made its plan on who should be the nurturer. Our opinions donā€™t matter.

In an ideal society, regardless of the profession you are in, if men continue to play to their strength and continue to build for their families while women continue to nurture whatever they have built while saving them from going reckless we will have a society that will be progressive and liveable.

Think about it without your borrowed biases. Think beyond the ā€œismsā€.

There is no such thing as an ideal society but if I were to imagine one I would imagine it in sync with nature.