Nikhil's Blog

Make the reader fall in love with you

There’s nothing new under the sun. We all know that, and it’s time writers admit it. In the search for new concepts, many writers are destroying age-old principles in the name of achieving originality and uniqueness.

I don’t entirely blame them. They have their desperation. A man’s gotta eat, after all. So, here’s my question: how do you make people fall in love with your writing? How do you ensure that the reader waits for your essay with bated breath? I have studied the blogs of writers I love to read. I have decoded their writing, their ideas, and their delivery.

I have discovered that readers don’t come for ideas. Unique ideas are available everywhere. In this age of abundant content, you can pick any thought and, in all probability, you will find a book on that idea. There are no unique ideas anymore; you can even find a blog post or a Twitter thread on the same topic these days.

Readers come for your personality. Your personality adds flavor to your writing. When you pour your heart into every essay you write, the reader can sense it. When they sense it, they feel connected with you. It’s not about how many readers read your work; it’s about how many readers return to read your work.

Of course, you need to provide value—that’s how you respect their time. But when they can get value from anywhere in the world, they choose to come to you because of who you are and the connection you have established with them.

Learn formal writing, but do not hesitate to pour your heart out in everything you write. As a general rule, if you don’t feel strongly about something, don’t bother writing about it. Write about the topics you care about and want to convince the reader of the same.

Your reader could be your next best friend, they could be your pen pal, so treat them as such.