Nikhil's Blog

Length of your blog

What is the perfect length of a blog? Should I write short blogs? Or should I write verbose and lengthy blogs full of research?

I used to grapple with these questions every time I used to write. I had created two blogs, one was shared with the world and the other wasn’t. Whenever I wanted to rant I went to write on a private blog.

This was a mistake. Blogging is supposed to be personal. You write to achieve clarity in your thoughts. I made it sound that you write when you achieve clarity in your thoughts.

Even when I wrote a blog I could share I had some inhibitions. I had restricted myself to believing that a blog has to be more than 500 words. The longer the better. If it’s 100–300 words it’s not worth it.

Then I read Paul Graham’s writing about startups. I read Seth Godin’s blog. I read David Perell’s blog and many others. Do you know what was common among them all? None of them cared about the length of the blog.

All of their essays were quick to consume and were filled with important insights and no fancy vocabulary. I have learned that the length of the blog doesn’t matter. The category of the blog doesn’t matter.

What matters is that you write every day in one place. Build a library of content that showcases who you are. Are you a fiction writer? Then there should be a place where one can access all your stories.

We are all good at something. If not good, we are inclined towards one or two specific interests. Whether you like it or not it will reflect in your writing. Focus on that area. Write about that often.

That’s what blogging is all about. You pick that one thought and explain it using simple words and detailed arguments. If you are starting with a question make sure by the end you answer the reader.

This is written with brevity. Write with clarity, write simply, and write daily.