Nikhil's Blog

If you cannot create, Curate

Is Curating Content equivalent to Creating Content?

The short answer is yes. You can now move away from this blog. If as a writer curation violates your fundamental principles then itā€™s not entirely your fault. You havenā€™t accepted the workings of the internet.

There is so much content available on the internet that itā€™s practically impossible to consume it all. Even more impossible is to remember all of the content. Even if the content is presented as a three-word maxim we would only remember a few of those.

Thatā€™s why people have developed frameworks for writing long-form articles. There are hooks to lure you into reading an interesting piece they worked so hard for years. And there are many good writers out there sharing valuable insights from their lives.

But how many of these articles have we read? Are we reading anything at all? We have come to a point where we donā€™t know how to discover great pieces of content.

Thatā€™s where people who curate good writing are valuable. They too serve a purpose. Without Eric Jorgenson, we wouldnā€™t have ā€œThe Almanack of Naval Ravikantā€. He literally curated all his writings, philosophies, and recommendations into one book.

If you struggle to create great content, be the one who has an eye for good content and then curate it into a more readable format.