Nikhil's Blog

If today’s your last day, would you write?

If someone tells you that you’re going to die tomorrow would you sit again on your chair in front of your computer to write?

Would you spend those precious minutes and hours of your life writing? The answer to this is complicated and hard. But the answer will tell you instantly how much you care about writing.

Is it a craft for you to get better? Is it a money-printing machine? Is it worth more than your soul? Is it more than your family?

Much to the chagrin of my wife and family, my answer would be yes. If I am going to die tomorrow, I will write to my heart’s content. I’d spend time with my family too but after I am done writing whatever I could.

I am not good at marketing my writing. I am only good at getting better at writing. Writing has been my salvation. Apart from reading stories, the ability to write either stories or my thoughts has truly transformed my understanding of myself and the world around me.

I have arrived at a point where I have realized that writing will be my true legacy. Money, estate, and family will always be secondary. I write stories on various themes because it is through stories that I express myself the best.

When I write in the void knowing there is no one to read I don’t feel disheartened. I write every sentence with clarity even though there is no audience. I try to write well because I care about writing well. Life isn’t complicated for me.

I say this often “What else could I have been if not a writer. I don’t look good; can’t be an actor; can’t dance to save my life; can’t sing either”. I don’t remember when or how it happened but writing has become my solace.

So the answer to the question I asked will always be a yes for me. Yes, I would write. I would write faster and won’t waste time on clever words.

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