Nikhil's Blog

Good writing is a hallucination

Good writing requires good hallucination. Are you willing to consciously hallucinate?

The pundits on social media will tell you that writing can be broken down into elements. They will tell you how the characters should look, and they will tell you about writing the conflicts.

These are fine. These are essential elements but these aren’t the only ones.

The most essential requirement for a creative writer is to be able to see and feel the setting he’s writing.

You are writing about a dog dying of thirst. You’ve got to imagine yourself sitting on the rock in a searing hit with a bottle of water in your hand and a dog crawling for water in front of you.

If you are going to write about a moral conflict you have to see and believe in that conflict.

Then you repeat the process for another character and another scene. In medical terms, this will be equivalent to hallucination.

In writing, it’s called writing a scene.

So, if you are going to write a romantic encounter with someone on a sunny day, you better feel the sun on your face and her presence in front of your eyes.

All creative writers are good hallucinators.