Nikhil's Blog

Hi, I'm Nikhil. Thank you for reading my blog.

I have spent more than a decade working in the digital advertising industry. I have worked with all the top brands in the country that you could think of. And I know how the world of advertising, virality, and content marketing works.

I have been blogging since the early days of this medium. I have written more words than I have published and started more blogs than I could maintain. What has remained constant over the years is that I read a lot and write a lot. I love stories.

This passion led me to write a few of my own—a novel and a book of short stories.

You can read my book of short stories here. If you love my writing or absolutely hate it and want to kill me, feel free to DM me here.

I intend to keep this blog for as long as I and the website remain alive. This is going to be the repository of all my musings and learnings throughout my life.